You are going to love Zygg!

Well, it may not feel like Spring is around the corner in Toronto, but we’re really excited for the launch of Zygg - so it feels like Spring is in the air around our office.

If you're new to e-bikes, or have been sizing them up already, we think that you’re going to love Zygg. The amazing tech developments in “micromobility” (e-bikes, e-scooters etc..) means that these vehicles have become really practical, and really fun - a true option to get to work, and around the city, instead of using a car.

Riding an e-bike is both familiar and totally new, at the same time. You will feel like a superhero on wheels, and the idea of biking across the city will be fun. No sweat getting to work. No problem going to High Park, or the Beach, and back, for Dim Sum.

We didn’t invented the idea of a subscription service, but we’re the first in Canada and we are going to deliver an amazing experience for you. Our team has helped build with some great companies already - AutoShare, Evergreen, Modo - the Car Coop, Vanhawks - and we can’t wait to get you on a Zygg e-bike in the spring! Which is just around the corner.

Move with wonder, subscribe to Zygg ;-)

And please stay in touch.

Kevin McLaughlin, CEO

Devin McDonald, COO