How to lock your bike to prevent theft

We know bike thefts will occur no matter what in a big city like Toronto so all you’re looking to do is making your bike harder to steal than another. Electric bikes are more expensive and therefore are more enticing to steal as they can get a higher resale value so follow the steps below to keep your bike safe.

Always lock your bike

First things first, always lock your bike. Even if you’re going in for a quick errand or picking up an order that will only take a few seconds. Most thefts occur when the bike is unlocked in front of a store because it’s easy for thieves to ride off unnoticed. Spending a few seconds locking your bike can save you the cost of the liability as our plans do not cover you if the bike was left unattended and unlocked. Get the full list of the fees associated to a stolen bike.

What lock works best

The locks that work best are the ones we provide you with when you get your Zygg and are included in your subscription. We’ve already done the work to figuring out what locks deter the thieves all you have to do is use them. The Model M has a U-lock provided with it which easily attaches to the frame of the bike when you are riding. The Model G and Q have two locks, one wheel lock for the back wheel which is connected to a chain so you can lock the body as well.

How to lock your bike

For the Model M, make sure the U-lock has both the body of the e-bike (the frame between the two wheels) and the bike post or rack. Never only lock the front or bike wheel or the neck of the e-bike.

For the Model Q & G use the wheel lock for your back wheel and thread the lock through both the frame (space between wheels) to the post or bike rack. Always use both locks when leaving your bike unattended. Never simply use the rear wheel lock as the e-bike can be easily stolen this way. Make sure you take the battery with you and never leave the key of the battery on your bike.

Where to park your bike

Always use posts and racks that are secured to the ground and cannot be lifted. The city of Toronto bike posts can be found around the city and are easy to use and cemented into the ground. Avoid wheel bender racks as the only allow the wheel to be locked and you should always have the frame of the bike securely locked.

During the day, choose a bike rack or post in busy, public and visible area. At night it is best to bring it inside and not leave it on the sidewalk or street overnight.

If you notice your bike has a flat tire while it is locked, reach out to Zygg right away. Sometimes piercing the tire is a technique to have your bike left somewhere longer enabling the thieves more time to steal your bike.

What to do if your bike is stolen

If your bike is stolen let us know right away through our theft report form so we can contact the police and try to retrieve the e-bike.