Lock it or Lose it!

Most ebikes get stolen because they aren’t locked properly - or at all!  

ALWAYS lock your bike with BOTH locks, no matter how short the stop you are making. Otherwise it could cost you up to $3,600.

The Zygg Peace-of-Mind Liability Limit is designed to reduce your risk in case of theft, or accidental damage.

  • Standard Limit is $1,000 + $300 for each lockable / removable battery (provided you can show a photo of the ebike securely locked before the theft as per our Liability Policy).

  • Reduced Liability Limit is $350 + $300 for each lockable removable battery through the timely payment of a monthly reduced Liability fee (provided you can show a photo of the ebike securely locked before the theft as per our Liability Policy).

  • Full Liability Limit is $3,000 + $300 for each lockable removable battery without a photo of the ebike securely locked before the theft, or without all keys after a theft.

Here are some important things that you agreed to in our Liability Policy.

As a Zygg rider, you must 

  • Always lock the e-bike securely to an immovable object (bike rack, lamp post etc.), using all of the lock(s) provided by Zygg. (E-bikes equipped with a frame lock that goes through the rear wheel must always be used in conjunction with a chain lock, never only one of them). Even if you have parked the bike in a locked shed or garage, the bike should be locked with both the chain & framelock.

  • TAKE A PICTURE showing the e-bike is properly locked, each time. (You should be able to show Zygg these pictures if there is a problem.)

  • Park and lock the e-bike overnight in a secure, dry, indoor location.

  • NEVER leave the e-bike outdoors overnight parked on the street, in a public or otherwise unsecured location, especially if it is visible from the street. eg DO NOT lock your e-bike on your porch overnight. Remove the battery(s) when leaving the e-bike locked 

  • Report IMMEDIATELY to Zygg if any of the keys (lock or battery) have been lost or stolen.

  • TREAT THE E-BIKE AS IF IT WERE YOUR OWN. Excessive wear-and-tear, damage, scratches, crash or accident damage,  bent wheels or other damaged components, lost components, etc.. are all indicators of usage that is not “normal” and will result in fees and/or fines as per the Fees and Charges List.

Read our blog to learn how to lock your ebike safely.