We've Launched!

We’ve launched! On June 1st, 2020 , we delivered our first bike and are working hard to get the rest out to as many of our customers as possible. In these unprecedented times we made the decision to delay the launch of our service to adjust the way we work, deliver our service and even who we are trying to get ebikes to. Thank you for your patience!

The safety of our customers and employees is of the utmost importance and we’ve taken protective measures to make sure we offer our customers the best experience.

For our employees

  • All employees who can, now work remotely.

  • We limit the amount of people in the office who are working on the e-bikes to respect social distancing measures.

  • Masks, gloves and antiviral products are provided to staff.

For our customers

  • E-bikes are sanitized and cleaned before delivery.

  • If picking up or delivering a bike, our staff wears protective personal equipment, respects social distancing protocols, and re-santize as necessary after any adjustments are made onsite.

Healthcare workers

  • We are offering our model M bikes to frontline healthcare professionals at no cost until September 2020 so they may have a safe way to get to their workplace. For more information, click here.
