Favourite Bike Lanes in Toronto

The weather is getting warmer (at least for this week of March) and we’re loving it. Many of us are dusting off our bikes and riding again in the city. 

We’ve already covered our favourite bike trips in the city in a previous post but today we wanted to show some love to our favourite bike lanes in the city, new and old alike.

Over the past few years we have seen more and more bike lanes exit their pilot phase and become permanent fixtures in Toronto. In addition, ActiveTO treated us to a few more cycle lanes installed in 2020 which we have thoroughly enjoyed, so we have decided to rank our favourites. 

  1. The new bike lanes on University Avenue have us so excited! They are a great downtown connection from the Bloor bike lane to the Adelaide/Richmond ones making the north/south transition so much easier. Though University Avenue is bustling and you should always pay attention to the traffic, it’s hard to stop yourself from looking at the buildings along the way, especially when the sun sets and it reflects in all the windows. Our sincerest thanks go to Councillor Mike Layton for making this one happen.

  2. Speaking of Bloor, are we the only ones who love a good bridge? Crossing over from Danforth Avenue to Bloor Street is such a fun ride. You get a full view of downtown Toronto and we love a good skyline picture. Riding over the viaduct is such a treat because you can take your time and stop to take pictures, enjoy the view or look down at the Don Valley, which is very hard to do when you’re in a car. 

  3. Our last but not least bike lane is Sherbourne Street. Though it can get pretty busy, we love a protected bike lane. With the Zygg e-bike, the ride up north doesn’t take up as much energy as with a traditional bike so we can enjoy it as much as the way south!

What about you? Any favourite bike lanes in the city that we forgot to mention?