Spotlight on our Subscribers

We’ve been so fortunate to have amazing subscribers since the launch of Zygg. This week we took some time to catch up with Andrea to see how her Zygg experience is going. 

Andrea got her Zygg Model G back in June 2020 and has been riding it pretty much daily. She grew up in Toronto and spent most of her teenage years on bikes. However she hadn’t ridden a bike as an adult and found the Toronto streets a little unsafe for riding. She relied on public transit to get around the city. Then came along Zygg.

What made you get back in the saddle?

I’m a dancer and would go to the studio 4 times a week. A lot of my social life was wrapped around this activity. When COVID hit, I started working from home and the last thing I wanted to do was spend extra hours in front of a screen for online classes. I started looking for bikes for a way to spend more time outdoors but bikes were sold out across the city. Eventually I found Zygg and I thought it could be an interesting alternative. The instalment of the Danforth bike lanes were the final tipping point in making me ride a bike. I went to a pop-up event on the Danforth to try it out, got my trial and eventually my subscription. 

The first day I had the bike, and it was truly mine, I had such a sense of freedom. It made me come out of isolation.

What’s your favourite thing about having an electric bike?

It’s given me a sense of security. I never have to worry that if I go off on a longer ride I won’t be able to make it back. When I’m on a road where the traffic is busier I feel safe with the extra boost the bike provides to help me navigate. I also like using the High mode to make the kick off a bit easier.

I like how big and comfortable it is, I’m not trying to go somewhere very fast. I’m there to take it all in, to stop, take photos, go to local shops. It’s all about having a joyful experience. I’ve lived here most of my life and having the electric bike has allowed me to see the city in a new way and discover pieces I had never seen before. 

What do you use the bike for?

Everything. It’s my main way to get around. I use it daily for grocery shopping, I buy as much as will fit in my baskets. I’m a big supporter of local businesses so I will stop multiple times at different independent shops. I’ll only walk if I’m going somewhere where I can’t bring the bike.

What’s your favourite ride in the city?

I don’t really have a favourite ride in the city. I look at Google Maps and find the green spaces, new trails and places to go and make a route to ride to them. I’m also big on chasing the sunset and one of my favourite spots to see it is at Leslie Spit. The spit looks apocalyptic.

I love sharing these discoveries with friends. I brought my friend to see the gargoyles along the Don Valley. I like sharing my trips to inspire others. I use Strava to look at my friends' rides to get inspired and we share our finds along routes or sneaky ways to get into parks.

How are you involved in your community?

Before COVID I was heavily involved in volunteering. When COVID hit I was one of the early mask makers. I learnt of Sandwich Sisters who deliver sandwiches to homeless shelters. Every week I make sandwiches and deliver them to one of their pods with my bike. At the beginning of COVID they were receiving 500 sandwiches a week and now they are getting 1,400 a week. Without the bike I wouldn’t have been able to do these deliveries in 30 minutes.

The bike gave me freedom to physically and mentally rejuvenate due to COVID, but it also gave me the freedom to continue supporting my community.